Great Throughts Treasury

This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.

Ralph Chaplin, fully Ralph Hosea Chaplin

American Writer, Artist and Labor Activist

"Mourn not the dead. But rather mourn the apathetic throng - the cowed and meek who see the world's great anguish and its wrong, and dare not speak."

"Big Business can make laws as easily as it can break them - and with as little impunity."

"In our hands is a placed power greater with their hoarded gold, greater than the might of armies magnified a thousand-fold. We can bring the birth the new world from the ashes of the old, for the union makes us strong."

"It seems the most logical thing in the world to believe that the natural resources of the Earth, upon which the race depends for food, clothing and shelter, should be owned collectively by the race instead of being the private property of a few social parasites."

"Civilization, to be worthy of the name, must afford other methods of settling human differences than those of blood-letting."

"The minds of men are at last aroused; reason looks out and justifies her own, and malice finds all her work is ruin."

"The facts will speak for themselves. Credit them or not, but read!"

"Mourn not the dead that in the cool earth lie . Dust unto dust the calm, sweet earth that mothers all who die as all men must; mourn not your captive comrades who must dwell too strong to strive. Within each steel-bound coffin of a cell, buried alive; but rather mourn the apathetic throng the cowed and the meek who see the world's great anguish and its wrong and dare not speak!"

"The working class owes all honor and respect to the first men who planted the standard of labor solidarity on the hostile frontier of unorganized industry."