Great Throughts Treasury

This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.


"I make little account of genealogical trees. Mere family never made a man great. Thought and deed, not pedigree, are the passports to enduring fame." - Mikhail D. Skobeleff or Skobeolev, fully Mikhail Dmitrievich Skobelev

"Mere family never made a man great. Thought and deed, not pedigree, are the passports to enduring fame." - Mikhail D. Skobeleff or Skobeolev, fully Mikhail Dmitrievich Skobelev

"Love is the best relationship, wisdom the best pedigree." - Joseph Zabara, fully Joseph ben Meïr Zabara

"Ideas have consequences. If human life is not sacred, it is expendable. It we are mere brutes, then we can be bred for better pedigree like any dog… The eugenic idea is that we do not want to allow “defective stock” to be bred. Today we abort millions of children, often on the basis of a “high risk” of some disorder." - Joe Boot

"What is the noblest pedigree? Loving kindness to men." - Salomon ibn Gabirol, aka Solomon ben Judah or Avicebron

"Wisdom is the noblest pedigree and love the choicest tie." - Salomon ibn Gabirol, aka Solomon ben Judah or Avicebron

"There is no wisdom in useless and hopeful sorrow; but there is something in it so like virtue that he who is wholly without it cannot be loved, nor will by me, at least, be thought worthy of esteem." -

"The poet lights the light and fades away. But the light goes on and on." - Emily Dickinson, fully Emily Elizabeth Dickinson