Great Throughts Treasury

This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.

Related Quotes

Abraham Joshua Heschel

Friendship, affection is not acquired by giving presents. Friendship, affection comes about by two people sharing a significant moment, by having an experience in common.

Experience | Giving | People |

B. H. Liddell Hart, fully Captain B. H. Liddell

Be very careful never to show your own bias to anyone who is giving you information, or passing it on to you. Once he sees that you have a particular inclination he will instinctively tend to tell you what he thinks will suit you, and enhance your opinion of him.

Giving | Inclination | Opinion | Will |

Herman Hesse

One cannot have pleasure without giving it.

Giving | Pleasure |

Damien Hess, stage name MC Frontalot

Service... Giving what you don't have to give. Giving when you don't need to give. Giving because you want to give.

Giving | Need | Service |

Ernest Kurtz and Katherine Ketcham

Forgiveness is not explanation… Explanations have to do with exploring causes, with digging down into the past in an effort to exert whatever control is still possible over the past. Forgiveness, on the other hand, has to do with letting go of the past – giving up the claim to control the past and refusing to be controlled by it. But forgiving is not the same thing as forgetting. “Letting go” of the past is not some kind of erasure; forgiveness is not an attempt to obliterate the past or wipe the slate clean… because the past is important, there can be no “unconditional forgiveness.”

Control | Effort | Forgiveness | Giving | Important | Past | Forgiveness |

Niccolò Machiavelli, formally Niccolò di Bernardo dei Machiavelli

There is no other way of guarding one’s self against flattery than by letting men understand that they will not offend you by speaking the truth; but when everyone can tell you the truth, you lose their respect. A prudent prince must therefore take a third course, by choosing for his council wise men, and giving these alone full liberty to speak the truth to him, but only of those things that he asks and of nothing else; but he must ask them about everything and hear their opinion, and afterwards deliberate by himself in his own way.

Flattery | Giving | Liberty | Men | Nothing | Opinion | Respect | Self | Truth | Will | Wise | Understand |

Perry Miller

There’s a moral asymmetry that takes hold of us teachers rather too commonly – we think of ourselves as offering service to others, giving them our best, and forget what’s in it for ourselves, the service that we’re receiving from our students.

Giving | Service | Think |

Wayne Muller

People who know they will die live very carefully. Not careful as in fearful; careful as in full of care. Every word, every act, every relationship holds the possibility of giving birth to something filled with great care. And that thing need not be showy or dramatic, for the most potent spiritual acts are often acts of breathtaking simplicity: a simple prayer, a sip of wine and a piece of bread, a single breath in meditation, a sprinkling of water on the forehead, an exchange of rings, a kind word, a hand on the cheek, a blessing.

Birth | Care | Giving | Meditation | Need | People | Prayer | Relationship | Simplicity | Will |

Maria Montessori

The number of different objects in the world is infinite, while the qualities they possess are limited. These qualities are therefore like the letters of the alphabet which can make up an indefinite number of words. If we present the children with objects exhibiting each of these qualities separately [and “classified in an orderly way”], this is like giving them an alphabet for their explorations, a key to the doors of knowledge.

Children | Giving | Knowledge | Present | Qualities | Words | World |

Catherine Ponder

There is basically one problem in life: congestion. There is basically one solution: circulation. Systemic giving is, therefore, a powerful practice that blesses every phase of our lives, as it keeps us attuned to the wealth of the universe.

Giving | Life | Life | Practice | Universe | Wealth |

Richard “Rick” Stone

A disciple once complained, “You tell us stories, but you never reveal their meaning to us.” Said the master, “How would you like it if someone offered you fruit and chewed it up before giving it to you?” No one can find your meaning for you. Not even the master.

Giving | Meaning |

Hannah Whitall Smith

The true secret of giving advice is, after you have honestly given it, to be perfectly indifferent whether it is taken or not and never persist in trying to set people right.

Advice | Giving | People | Right |

Albert Schweitzer

The one possible way of giving meaning to [man’s] existence is that of raising his natural relation to the world to a spiritual one.

Existence | Giving | Man | Meaning | World |

David Steindl-Rast

The greatest gift one can give is thanksgiving. In giving gifts, we give what we can spare, but in giving thanks we give ourselves.

Giving |

Fulton Sheen, fully Archbishop Fulton John Sheen

Self-discipline never means giving up anything - for giving up is a loss. Our Lord did not ask us to give up the things of earth, but to exchange them for better things.

Better | Discipline | Earth | Giving | Lord | Means | Self |

Ezriel Tauber

The Torah preceded creation in that it was the idea behind creation. It is the primordial knowledge of existence. It is the idea to which life is nothing more than a means. God is eternal, and the temporary nature of the physical creation is contradictory to eternity. Creation, therefore, it not an end in itself; it is a means. It is a means for giving the part of creation made in the Divine image – mankind – the opportunity to earn a share with Hashem in eternity.

Eternal | Eternity | Existence | Giving | God | Knowledge | Life | Life | Mankind | Means | Nature | Nothing | Opportunity | God | Torah |

Garrett Thomson

Evolution is not necessarily a reductive theory: it does not explain away or reduce meaningfulness and value, any more than it explains away or reduces mathematics, economics, or even sociobiology itself. It aims to provide a naturalistic explanation of biological characteristics, including the capacities that enable us to recognize value and meaning. Giving a causal explanation of the origin of capacities is not the same as giving an account of the relevant meaning or content.

Aims | Economics | Evolution | Giving | Mathematics | Meaning | Value |

Ted Falcon

[Idolatry as] the moments when we forget who we really are and instead of remembering that we are sparks of the Divine, we start giving up our power to a guru, an ideology, a romantic obsession, a stressful job that begins to define us, or an unhealthy habit we think we can’t live without. Even is we no longer build or worship physical idols like in ancient times, we have modern-day addictions and pressures that cause us to forget that our purpose here is to be a vehicle for Divine energies.

Cause | Day | Giving | Habit | Obsession | Power | Purpose | Purpose | Worship | Think |