Great Throughts Treasury

This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.

Related Quotes

George Matthew Adams

Tension is a killer! Just relax and note the immediate effect. One of peace and ease of mind. One in which every organ of the body joins. In relaxation there is unity of mind, body and spirit.

Body | Mind | Peace | Spirit | Unity | Wisdom |

Yitzchok Waldshein

To have peace of mind it is important that the place where you live and work is organized and clean.

Character | Important | Mind | Peace | Work |

Thomas Wolfe, fully Thomas Clayton Wolfe

This is man: a writer of books, a putter-down of words, a painter of pictures, a maker of ten thousand philosophies. He grows passionate over ideas, he hurls scorn and mockery at another's work, he finds the one way, the true way, for himself, and calls all others false--yet in the billion books upon the shelves there is not one that can tell him how to draw a single fleeting breath in peace and comfort. He makes histories of the universe, he directs the destiny of the nations, but he does not know his own history, and he cannot direct his own destiny with dignity or wisdom for ten consecutive minutes.

Books | Character | Comfort | Destiny | Dignity | Ideas | Man | Mockery | Peace | Wisdom | Words | Work |

Stewart Udall, Fully Stewart Lee Udall

If you want inner peace find it in solitude... and if you would find yourself, look to the land from which you came and to which you go.

Character | Land | Peace | Solitude |

George Matthew Adams

You are the greatest investment. The more you store in that mind of yours, the more you enrich your experience, the more people you meet, the more books you read, and the more places you visit, the greater is that investment in all that you are. Everything that you add to your peace of mind, and to your outlook upon life, is added capital that no one but yourself can dissipate.

Books | Experience | Life | Life | Mind | Peace | People | Wisdom |

Annette A Victorin

Peace comes to us through love, understanding of our fellow men, faith. Peace does not include selfishness nor indifference. Peace is never wrapped at a counter for a price. It is earned by giving of ourselves.

Character | Faith | Giving | Indifference | Love | Men | Peace | Price | Selfishness | Understanding |

Saint Augustine, aka Augustine of Hippo, St. Austin, Bishop of Hippo NULL

It is with the desire for peace that wars are waged, even by those who take pleasure in exercising their warlike nature in command and battle. And hence it is obvious that peace is the end sought for by war. For every man seeks peace by waging war, but no man seeks war by making peace... Even wicked men wage war to maintain the peace of their own circle, and wish that, if possible, all men belonged to them, that all men and things might serve but one head, and might, either through love or fear, yield themselves to peace with him!

Battle | Desire | Fear | Love | Man | Men | Nature | Peace | Pleasure | War | Wisdom |

Babylonian Talmud

He who eats much evacuates much, and he who increaseth this flesh multiplieth food for worms; but he who multiplieth good works causes peace within himself.

Good | Peace | Wisdom |

Léon Blum, fully André Léon Blum

The cause of Freedom and the cause of Peace are bound together.

Cause | Freedom | Peace | Wisdom |

Charles F. Banning

If all the gold in the world were melted down into a solid cube, it would be about the size of an eight-room house. If a man got possession of all that gold - billions of dollars' worth, he could not buy a friend, character, peace of mind, clear conscience, or a sense of eternity.

Character | Conscience | Eternity | Friend | Gold | Man | Mind | Peace | Sense | Size | Wisdom | World | Worth |

Bernard Baruch, fully Bernard Mannes Baruch

There is no more dangerous misconception than this which misconstrues the arms race as the cause rather than a symptom of the tensions and divisions which threaten nuclear war. If the history of the past fifty years teaches us anything, it is that peace does not follow disarmament - disarmament follows peace.

Cause | History | Past | Peace | Race | War | Wisdom |

Clarence Edward Barnfield

Vocabulary is an index to a civilization, and ours is a disturbed one. That's why so many of the new words deal with war, violence, drugs, racism, and not so many with peace and prosperity.

Civilization | Peace | Prosperity | War | Wisdom | Words |

Bernard Baruch, fully Bernard Mannes Baruch

Let this be anchored in our minds: Peace is never long preserved by weight of metal or by an armament race. Peace can be made tranquil and secure only by understanding and agreement fortified by sanctions. We must embrace international cooperation or international disintegration.

Cooperation | Peace | Race | Understanding | Wisdom |

Bernard Baruch, fully Bernard Mannes Baruch

Let us not deceive ourselves; we must elect world peace or world destruction.

Peace | Wisdom | World |