Great Throughts Treasury

This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.

Related Quotes

Hans Reichenbach

There is no pure visualization in the sense of a priori philosophies; every visualization is determined by previous sense perceptions, and any separation into perceptual space and space of visualization is not permissible, since the specifically visual elements of the imagination are derived from perceptual space. What led to the mistaken conception of pure visualization was rather an improper interpretation of the normative function... an essential element of all visual representations. Indeed, all arguments which have been introduced for the distinction of perceptual space and space of visualization are based on this normative component of the imagination.

Memory |

Italian Proverbs

The best advice one can give to the hungry is bread.

Memory | Understand |

Italian Proverbs

The best way to get praise is to die.

Fun | Memory | Training |

Italian Proverbs

The danger past, the saint cheated.

Children | Memory |

Italian Proverbs

The dog that is quarrelsome and not strong, woe to his hide.

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Italian Proverbs

The devil is bad because he is old.

Ability | Age | Art | Control | Culture | Humor | Memory | Need | Time | Work | World | Art |

Italian Proverbs

Wait time and place to take your revenge, for it is never well done in a hurry.

Memory | Time | Truth |

Italian Proverbs

Virtue comes not from chance but long study.

Memory | Time |

Italian Proverbs

Who troubles others has no rest himself.

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J. R. R. Tolkien, fully John Ronald Reuel Tolkien

But it may be the hard part of a friend to rebuke a friend's folly.

Acceptance | Desire | Men | Parents | Resignation |