Great Throughts Treasury

This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.

Joseph Sanial-Dubay

French Writer

"Sincerity is the face of the soul, as dissimulation is the mask."

"Abuse, even in the solid state are deaf mines that eventually burst."

"Gold, at the same time is the purest of metals, is the largest of the corrupters."

"Here is the egotist's code: everything for himself, nothing for others."

"It is not decided that women love more than men but is indisputable that they love better."

"Men do not always love what they want, women do not always want what they love"

"Pleasures are like food: the simplest are those that cause less troubles."

"The gibbet is a species of flattery to the human race. Three or four persons are hung from time to time for the sake of making the rest believe that they are virtuous."

"The life of a miser is a play of which we applaud only the closing scene."

"When you have learned to live, die alone can know."