Great Throughts Treasury

This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.

Welsh Proverbs


"Old feel the blows suffered when young."

"Old proverbs are the children of truth."

"One gets the truth form the simple."

"One needs a long spoon to sup with the devil."

"One strength of the young is obedience."

"One time a man, two times a child."

"Patience is the mother of all wisdom."

"Play not till harm comes."

"People aren't good unless others are made better by them."

"Perfect love sometimes does not come until the first grandchild."

"Possible Interpretations: Someone who appears virtuous in public may be a brute in his home."

"Praise you country and live in it."

"Playing with fire will eventually turn bitter."

"Repay eveil with good, and hell will not claim you."

"Reason is the wise man's guide, example the fool's"

"Put the fiddle in the roof. - To give up"

"Proud are ducks in the rain."

"Scatter with one hand, gather with two."

"Sing your grandmother a sweet song and she will sing to you."

"Small is every man who considers himself great."

"Someone, although shy, may still be a tiger in bed."

"Sound use may make masters."

"Speak well of your friend; of your enemy say nothing."

"Someone who appears virtuous in public may be a brute in his home. OR Someone, although shy, may still be a tiger in bed."

"Spoken of someone arranging something for his own benefit."

"Sooner will two men meet than two mountains."

"Starting the work is two thirds of it."

"The achievement of all work is practice."

"The advice of the aged will not mislead you."

"Sweetest sings the nightingale, but God did not command the crow to be silent."

"Tapping persistently breaks the stone."

"The best choice is to do good."

"The best custom is rectitude."

"The best economy, economy of words."

"The best candle is understanding."

"The best food may be milk."

"The best courage is to consider before striking."

"The best habit is to improve one's self."

"The best knowledge is to know yourself."

"The best of the aged is his advice."

"The best play is respectable."

"The best of every man is his conscience."

"The best step, the first step."

"The best shortage is a shortage of words."

"The best wealth is wisdom."

"The bird reared in hell, there he will choose to dwell."

"The child will grow, his clothes will not."

"The best work is to do good."

"The best place of defense is a sufficient distance."

"The coldness of a friend and the coldness of linen -- they never lasted long."