Great Throughts Treasury

This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.


"It was asked of the sage, In what one virtue are all the rest comprised? Patience, was his answer. And in what single vice are all the others concentrated? Vindictiveness." - Salomon ibn Gabirol, aka Solomon ben Judah or Avicebron

"The principal end both of my father and of myself in the conquest of India... has been the propagation of the holy Catholic faith." - Ignatius Loyola, aka Saint Ignatius of Loyola

"The story has spread that in testifying against Mr. Hiss I am working out some old grudge, or motives or revenge or hatred. I do not hate Mr. Hiss. We were close friends, but we are caught in a tragedy of history. Mr. Hiss represents the concealed enemy against which we are all fighting, and I am fighting. I have testified against him with remorse and pity, but in a moment of history in which this Nation now stands, so help me God, I could not do otherwise." - Whittaker Chambers, born Jay Vivian Chambers, aka Jay David Whittaker Chambers